How To Identify Thyroid Disorders In Children

Thyroid disease in infancy is uncommon and is usually detected through newborn screening tests. The most common thyroid problem identified at birth is congenital hypothyroidism.  After infancy, your child may not have thyroid tests unless you mention thyroid disease symptoms to his or her thyroid specialist or if your child has a family history of thyroid disease.

What are the most common thyroid disorders in children?

The most common thyroid disorders diagnosed in children are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, with hypothyroidism being the more common of the two. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces insufficient thyroid hormone, whereas hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts. Both disorders can have serious consequences for children's health and cause a variety of symptoms.

How do I know if my child has hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is underactive and unable to produce and deliver enough thyroid hormone to the body's cells, causing the metabolism to slow. There are numerous signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism that parents should be aware of.

The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism in children:

  • Concentration issues and brain fog

  • Sensitivity to cold

  • Constipation

  • Reduced growth rate

  • Puberty is delayed.

  • Depression

  • Hair that is dry, coarse, and brittle, as well as hair loss

  • Skin that is parched

  • Fatigue

  • Voice hoarse

  • Inactivity

  • Menstrual cycles that are irregular

  • Pain and stiffness in the muscles

  • Face puffiness

  • gaining weight

How do I know if my child has hyperthyroidism?

The thyroid is overactive in hyperthyroidism, sending too much thyroid hormone to the body's cells. As a result, the body's metabolism increases. While there are some similarities between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, the condition has some distinct symptoms.

The following are common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents:

  • Rapid expansion

  • Diarrhea

  • Concentration problems

  • Thyroid gland enlargement

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • I'm irritable.

  • I'm feeling jittery.

  • Sensitivity to heat

  • Appetite stimulation

  • Menstrual cycles that are irregular

  • Muscle fatigue

  • The hands tremble

  • Loss of weight

Thyroid disease complications in children

Thyroid disease can cause developmental problems in children, especially if it is not treated.

Children with noncancerous thyroid disease may also be at a higher risk of developing certain types of thyroid cancer.

Thyroid disease complications in children include:

  • Slow expansion

  • Myxedema

  • Fertility issues

  • Heart issues

  • Cancer

The complications can be frightening if you have a child with thyroid disease. While thyroid disease can be a lifelong condition, these complications can be avoided with proper treatment and consistent thyroid hormone management.

Treatment of thyroid disorder in children

Pediatric hypothyroidism treatment is known to cause growth issues in children, as well as delayed development in neonates. Hypothyroidism in children is either hereditary or acquired, hence the treatment for this illness is medication, which the Pediatric thyroid expert recommends when the child's diagnosis is finalized. It is critical to stick to the same dosage; these medications have no negative effects. Acquired hypothyroidism is usually treated for the rest of one's life.

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder characterized by excess thyroid secretion. There are three therapy options for hyperthyroidism.

  • Radioactive iodine

  • Medication

  • surgery

If you want to understand more about thyroid in children, please click on this link.
